Archive for Environment

Healing the Earth, by Robin MacCanna

Healing the Earth


The famed Scientist James Lovelock, in his book “The Gaia Hypothesis”, reveals how our Earth is self-regulating and provides an environment which supports its lifeforms. This is done though the inter-action of all its organic lifeforms and inorganic elements. Earth, therefore is like a living organism itself.

The Earth, being self-regulating, is now reacting to these things and is in the process of re-balancing itself. This is evident in the changing weather conditions. Storms will only continue to grow worse as time goes on.

Our ancient ancestors recognized that our Earth was like a mother, in that it gives us birth, nurtures us with food, and provides us with a temperate environment. They honored the Earth and conducted a variety of rites which gave thanks to Her. They also learned to live in balance on the Earth.

Things are very different now. Modern man does not honor the Earth, or live in balance on Her. In fact, we do just the opposite. Our modern lifestyles cause major in-balances. We clear rain forests, drill, mine, pollute, and poison our environment.   We kill various wildlife indiscriminately and conduct massive wars. Our production of goods and genetically modified food is creating a planet which is not self- sustaining, and which will eventually become barren and lifeless in the future.

It is time for mankind seriously work to heal the Earth, by stopping its pollution to the land, air and seas, eliminating genetically modified crops and the use of dangerous pesticides. If we don’t re-establish a balance we will destroy the ecology and the essential life-forms we need to survive.

Modern man must also learn to honor the Earth as the ancients did, by caring for Her. Humans need to realize that that they are not separate from nature, but are only a part of it. The present ideology that mankind, being the smartest species on the planet, is in charge of the Earth. This belief, as taught by various religions, is egotistical and destructive.

We all must join together and be a part of a new grass-roots movement to heal our Earth. We must Live as environmentally friendly as we can. We need to join with others to enact changes that eliminate all the dangerous practices that are destroying and poisoning our environment. We also need to conduct Earth rites to honor Her, and then teach others how to do them.

Ultimately, we must strive to change the profit-at-any-cost culture by rejecting dangerous practices and the manufacture of products that harm our Earth. It is a big undertaking, but if we don’t do this we will face the consequences.

“May the Earth always be in your heart, mind and spirit, and in the way you live your life.”

Robin MacCanna, Arann Druid

Oct. 5, 2018

For information on honoring the Earth, see my book, “Celtic Rites, – the Magical Path of the Arann Druids.”

published July, 2018 by DarkMoon Press. Available at 

All Contents © 2018 liveworldpress: All materials contained on this site are protected by United States copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast without the prior written permission of liveworldpress, or in the case of third-party materials, the owner of that content. You may not alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other notice from copies of the content

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Prediction: Solar Flares and Coronal Mass Ejections – a Potential Threat to Earth, by Robin MacCanna

Solar Flares and Coronal Mass Ejections -a Potential Threat to Earth


Solar flares are a natural occurrence on our sun which vary in their intensity during its 11-year cycles, where it transitions from a Solar Maximum to a Solar Minimum. Solar radiation that is emitted from these storms is known as a Coronal Mass Ejection (CME), which is accompanied by a cloud of solar particles.  If these charged particles reach the earth they would create geomagnetic storms that disrupt satellites, GPS navigation and the electronic grids. In 1989 a CME hit the power grid in Quebec with a surge of power, causing it to collapse. Consequently, millions of people lost electrical power.

The Earth has been fortunate that most CME’s have missed the Earth in the past. However, If a large enough CME struck the Earth it could potentially destroy modern civilization. Many nations would collapse because transportation would cease, food production, manufacturing and refrigeration would be non-existent, hospitals couldn’t function, and communication lines would be shut down. Financial institutions would also close and water purification plants would not be able to function.

As a result of this, the effects of a CME on humans would be catastrophic. Millions of people could die of starvation, disease and violence.  The governments would not be able to control their people and mass emigration would result.

A CME strike would not affect the entire Earth with power failures, just those areas where it hit. However, non-strike areas would feel the financial, trade, and rescue affects, making their stability very questionable. Human existence on Earth would be set back hundreds of years.

Fortunately, our Earth protects us from solar flares enabling all life to exist. The Earth’s magnetosphere diverts charged particles, much like a moving car’s windshield repels the rain, pushing it toward the poles. The Earth’s ionosphere gases absorb the radiation from solar flares, preventing us from reaching the surface. If a massive CME did manage to break through these two spheres its effects would be minimized.

That the Earth is a protector of all its life forms, there is no doubt. Mankind needs to appreciate this and honor the Earth and work to keep Her healthy and strong. At present we are doing just the opposite.  According to the famed Scientist, James Lovelock, who wrote “The Gaia Hypothesis”, the Earth’s atmosphere (which includes the ionosphere and magnetosphere) is maintained by the biosphere. The biosphere is the global ecology and its interaction with all its organic life and its elements.

However, we are damaging our biosphere with all the pollution that we are creating and, therefore, weakening our natural protection of the atmosphere. This will allow more solar to affect us and enable a CME to hit our Earth.

If mankind wants to survive, we need to get back to basics and care for our Earth and honor Her, so we may remain protected. Its time we realize that our Earth, Gaia, is sacred. We have to learn to live in balance on Her as our ancient ancestors once did.

Please share this post with others. Everyone needs to know this.

Robin MacCanna,  Arann Druid

Oct. 2, 2018

For information on honoring and caring for the Earth, see my book, “Celtic Rites, – the Magical Path of the Arann Druids.”

published July, 2018 by DarkMoon Press. Available at 

All Contents © 2018 liveworldpress: All materials contained on this site are protected by United States copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast without the prior written permission of liveworldpress, or in the case of third-party materials, the owner of that content. You may not alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other notice from copies of the content

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Prediction: The Earth Will Rebalance Itself Very Soon. -by Robin MacCanna

Prediction: The Earth will Rebalance Very Soon.

James Lovelock, the famous independent scientist developed the “Gaia Hypothesis” in the 1970’s. He formulated that the Earth’s living organisms interact with each other and with their inorganic environments. This results in a self-regulating system that is able to sustain life.

This also means that the eco-system, which is comprised of living organisms, has a direct effect on the atmosphere and produces the oxygen necessary to produce complex life forms. When changes occur to the eco-system or its environment, the Earth will begin to rebalance to reflect the new conditions.

There is a natural occurrence of changes, which are caused by geological factors such as continental shifts and the resultant earthquakes and volcanoes. There are also changes that are caused by the sun. Solar radiation is essential to warm the Earth. When there is an over-abundance abundance of solar storms more radiation hits our Earth and it affects the atmosphere.

There are also un-natural causes which affect the Earth, which are caused by mankind. Pollution, drilling, mining, production of toxic chemicals and waste and the clearing of the rainforests each have a serious effect. These things pose a serious threat to all life.

As a result of all the natural and un-natural changes to the environment and to the eco-system, the Earth, being self-regulating, is in the process of rebalancing itself. This means that more severe changes will begin to occur to the normal seasonal cycles. The weather patterns will change from their usual patterns or become erratic.  We can see this happening now with hotter than normal summer, droughts, excessive rainfalls and snow-falls which cause flooding.

Ultimately, the prediction is this: Mankind must take this seriously and begin to stop or significantly reduce all the un-natural things that they are doing to our Earth or things are going get much worse in a very short time.  There is little that can be done about the natural occurrences and we will have to make it through them, with the relocation of populations to safer, un-polluted areas if possible.

In all likelihood, governments, corporations and people will not change what they are doing because there is too much money at stake and things will continue as they are until it is too late. Only the individuals who are aware of what is coming will be able to prepare themselves and be ready.

We all need to work together to institute the changes that will protect our Earth. A good start would be for each individual to become connected to the Earth and to get others to join them.  There is strength in numbers.

“May the Earth always be in your heart, mind and spirit, and in the way you live your life.”


Robin MacCanna,

Sep 27, 2018

Robin MacCanna is an Arann Druid, a member of the Ar nDraoicht Fein (ADF), and author of the book “Celtic Rites, -the Magical Path of the Arann Druids”, published July, 2018 by DarkMoon Press. Available at: 

All Contents © 2018 liveworldpress: All materials contained on this site are protected by United States copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast without the prior written permission of liveworldpress, or in the case of third party materials, the owner of that content. You may not alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other notice from copies of the content

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liveworldpress: The Benefits of Celebrating Nature with Celtic Rites, by Robin MacCanna

The Benefits of Celebrating Nature with Celtic Rites

We live in a modern world, surrounded by technology, which has made our living easier and brought us many comforts. We find pleasure in all the visual and mental stimulation provided by our electronic devices such as wide screen TV’s, smart phones, computers, video games and movies. We watch sports more than we actually play them. Consequently, many people have become more sedentary and less physical, withdrawing from their natural place in the world. Nature still surrounds all of us but many largely ignore its beauty and its importance.

The ancient Celts, for example, did not have our lifestyles, but they did have a close connection to nature. Nature sustained them with all the basics: food, water, fire, and shelter. They had to spend most of their time and effort getting these things in order to survive, this work made them strong and kept them healthy

In the process of survival, the Celts learned the how to connect with the Earth in important ways. They viewed the Earth as a Mother which provided for them and conducted rites of appreciation as the seasons changed and the harvests were gathered. They learned to read signs in nature to predict the weather, plant seeds, hunt, and relocate. They gathered into tribes and built towns and forts and their numbers multiplied.

Every year they had special festivals and holidays to celebrate the Earth and their place upon it. They were spiritually strong in the belief in their special Deities who aided them and protected them, in medicine, child birth, the hunt, crop growth and against any aggressors. Their special ritual practices provided them with the added mental strength necessary to keep them going even in hard times.

Modern man has lost most of this. We now rely on science for all our answers, which it usually has, even if it is wrong. We are not living off of the land as the Celts did and would be hard put to survive without our technology. We no longer have the necessary connection to nature that we must have should disaster strike.

In order to get back to Nature and connected to the Earth we need to turn off our devices and get out of doors more. Hike, plant some crops, go camping, and study all the wonders you see and conduct meaningfully special rites as the Celts did to honor the Earth. This will build your strength and improve your mental health. You will also learn some skills that will help you in any tough situations.

Modern Celtic Rites include seasonal holidays, harvests and Sun festivals in the N. Hemisphere:

The Summer Solstice -(June22nd) – the longest day of the year

Lughnasadh- (August 1st) – the beginning of the summer Harvest

Mabon- (September 22nd– the Equinox, the beginning of autumn.

Samhain-(October31st)- a day to honor your deceased relatives and ancestors

The Winter Solstice- (December 22nd) -the shortest day of the year, the beginning of winter

Imbolg- (February 2nd)- the first stirrings of life in the Earth as the daylight grows longer

Eostara- (March 22nd)- the Vernal Equinox, the beginning of Spring

Beltane – (May 1st) -celebrating the fertility, new life, planting, and the coming of summer

It is meaningful and beneficial to commemorate these special holidays by always honoring the Earth Mother which sustains us, any Divinities that you worship for aiding and protecting you, and your ancestors whose blood runs in your veins. The amount of energy you will receive by doing this will help keep you strong both mentally and physically.

“May the Earth always be in your heart, mind and spirit, and in the way you live your life.”

Robin MacCanna, Arann Druid

Sep 19, 2018

For more information on Earth rites, see my book, “Celtic Rites, – the Magical Path of the Arann Druids.”

published July, 2018 by DarkMoon Press. Available at 

All Contents © 2018 liveworldpress: All materials contained on this site are protected by United States copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast without the prior written permission of liveworldpress, or in the case of third-party materials, the owner of that content. You may not alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other notice from copies of the content

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liveworldpress: Connecting with the Changing Earth, by Robin MacCanna

Connecting with the Changing Earth

Our Earth gives birth to all life upon it and initially provides each form of life with everything that is needed to sustain it. If any of the necessary life-sustaining conditions change, life forms must change and adapt to the new conditions or become extinct.

The disappearance of the dinosaurs is an example of a species that what not able to adapt to rapidly cooling climate conditions, caused by a giant meteor strike, in what is now called the Gulf of Mexico. Mankind was not yet on Earth at that time, but it would be put to the same test later in time, with numerous ice ages.

Our ancient ancestors managed to survive and barely avoid extinction through their close connectivity to the Earth and the elements. However, modern man for the most part, has lost its connectivity to the Earth. This is evident in the lack of care we show for our environment, which is polluted with all our waste, which will eventually create unsustainable living conditions for any lifeforms.

As an intelligent species, we must take action to save our Earth by stopping our careless practices and begin caring for our planet.  Mankind’s actions have created a geological in-balance which is impacting the normal environmental cycles. Excessive mining, drilling, forest clearing, excavation, population growth and pollution are some of the main reasons.

We, as a species, will be faced with survival challenges again in the future, and we must be ready. There is no guarantee that we will survive if we don’t start to seriously work to save our planet from harmful practices that are ruining it.

On an individual basis, we must live as environmentally responsible as we can by cutting down on our waste, by recycling everything we can, and by not buying and using any toxic chemicals such as weed killers and insecticide. Get others to join with you to pressure the government to ban these things and to stop harmful practices that danger our planet.

We also need to learn how to connect with the Earth and her elements, as our ancient ancestors did in spiritual ways. Get out in nature more and feel all the elements and get connected with them. They are a necessary part of our existence and we are dependent on them to stay in balance to sustain us. Learn how to spiritually honor each of the Earth, Water and Fire elements individually, with special Earth Rites that show your dedication and commitment. Once you do this you will begin to feel their energies and it will amaze you. You will also be able to work with and use these energies to help heal the Earth.

“May the Earth always be in your heart, mind and spirit, and in the way that you live your life.”

Robin MacCanna, (Arann Druid, and member of the Ar nDraoicht Fein (ADF).

September 16, 2018

For more information on Earth rites, see my book, “Celtic Rites, – the Magical Path of the Arann Druids.” published by DarkMoonPress, July 2018. Available at: 

All Contents © 2018 liveworldpress: All materials contained on this site are protected by United States copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast without the prior written permission of liveworldpress, or in the case of third party materials, the owner of that content. You may not alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other notice from copies of the content

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liveworldpress: “Mother Nature In Charge”, by Robin MacCanna

Mother Nature In Charge

Hurricane Florence is just the latest example of the awesome power of Nature. Somehow, we tend to forget that as we live comfortably in our artificial environments. Every year there are what we call natural disasters, hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, earthquakes, volcanoes and mud slides that occur around the globe.  Because thousands of lives through these disasters we often view nature as a constant threat.

Natural disasters do take lives and need to be prepared for. However, Although Nature does create dangerous conditions, it is not the problem. The way we live in nature is the problem. If we build homes and buildings right on the shorelines that we know are high risk Hurricane areas, we are knowingly taking a chance. We keep doing this and we keep rebuilding after each disaster, knowing it will eventually happen again. More planning and less risk taking would help to save lives.  Nature isn’t the problem, we are.

It is Nature that provides for us and sustains us. Humans are not separate from Nature, we are part of Nature. Our Earth is like a mother, we are born from her elements and we are fed by her water, vegetation and lifeforms. We need to recognize that and our place on her instead of polluting her with all our garbage and toxic wastes.

If we care for the Earth we will be healthy, if not we will become sick. All the flooding from Hurricanes sweeps up our waste and spreads it around, contaminating everything, creating new strains of bacteria. This is a recipe for epidemics to occur. We need to be working on making sure toxic wastes are secure from flooding. The best way to do this is not to produce them in the first place.

Our ancient ancestors didn’t have to face these toxic threats whenever they were forced to relocate due to environmental conditions, but we do. Mankind is painting itself into a corner from which it can’t escape. Some scientists believe the only way that human kind will survive is by finding a new planet to move to. This is not an acceptable solution. We need to work on ways to keep the Earth Healthy and safe from our pollution so it will still be able to sustain us into the future.

We need people to become more aware of this and actively working on it to make the necessary changes in the way we live and the products we produce. If we don’t start doing this our future will not be bright.

May the Earth be With You!  -“May the Earth always be in your heart, mind and spirit, and in the way you live your life.”

Robin MacCanna

Sep 13, 2018

Robin MacCanna is an Arann Druid, a member of the Ar nDraoicht Fein (ADF), and author of the book “Celtic Rites, -the Magical Path of the Arann Druids”, published July, 2018 by DarkMoon Press. Available at  and 

All Contents © 2018 liveworldpress: All materials contained on this site are protected by United States copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast without the prior written permission of liveworldpress, or in the case of third party materials, the owner of that content. You may not alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other notice from copies of the content

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Liveworldpress: A Major Hurricane is headed to the U.S., by Robin MacCanna

A Major Hurricane Headed for East Coast

Tropical Storm Florence is projected to grow in intensity to become a major Hurricane and strike the East Coast of the U.S. People there need to get prepared for its impact or make plans to evacuate.

This is hurricane season, so storms like this can be expected. However, as we have seen, the weather patterns have been changing over the past ten years and storms are more frequent and severe. There are a number of reasons for this, such as the warmer summers, solar radiation and natural cycles. However, the Earth’s also had a change in its tilt. Native’s in Alaska have reported a change in the Sun’s position which has affected their seasonal hunts and fishing. This could be due the tilt of the Earth as it turns on its axis.

There have been many major changes to the Earth’s environment in the past, as we know, and another one is about to happen again. This is why it is so important for mankind to stop polluting and changing our planet. These weather changes will continue and force large populations to relocate to other areas in order to survive.

The time to come back to caring for our planet is now, more than ever. We all play a part in helping the Earth remain healthy by being more environmentally conscious in the way we live, getting others to become Earth conscious, and demanding strong laws to stop pollution and the use of dangerous pesticides. If we do nothing, and continue to poison our Earth, the results will be severe.

“May the Earth always be in your heart, mind and spirit, and in the way you live your life.”

Robin MacCanna

Sep 8, 2018


For information on healing Earth rites, see my book, “Celtic Rites, – the Magical Path of the Arann Druids.”

Robin MacCanna is an Arann Druid, a member of the Ar nDraoicht Fein (ADF), and author of the book “Celtic Rites, -the Magical Path of the Arann Druids”, published July, 2018 by DarkMoon Press. Available at  and 

All Contents © 2018 liveworldpress: All materials contained on this site are protected by United States copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast without the prior written permission of liveworldpress, or in the case of third party materials, the owner of that content. You may not alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other notice from copies of the content

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Robin MacCanna’s liveworldpress: why “May the Earth Be with You!” is important.

 Why saying, “May the Earth Be With You !” is important.

This is not some clever catch-phrase, it is actually a motivator which means: “May the Earth always be in your heart, mind and spirit, and in the way you live your life.”  Our natural home is the Earth and we must care for her. This phrase signifies your understanding of that.

Mankind, in general, has grown away from caring for the Earth. We dump toxic waste and plastic into the oceans. There is now a sea of floating plastic trash, three times the size of Texas, in the Pacific Ocean. This has received a lot of attention by concerned environmental groups, but the dumping of garbage still continues to be the cheapest way to dispose of human waste.

During the 2016 Olympic Games held in Rio, the contestants of ocean related  events were warned of the hazardous wastes and human sewage that were in the sea water. Dumping is common practice in many countries which border oceans. This waste is destroying the eco-system. The regulations and fines against doing this are very small compared to the cost of finding safer ways to dispose of human waste, toxic chemicals and garbage, so companies just keep doing it. As populations continue to grow exponentially, more waste is produced and dumped into land-fills and oceans. This will only lead to a irreversible damage.

People who care about this often join and/or donate to groups which exert influence on politicians and government to enact stricter regulations against hazardous dumping practices, but companies also have their own legal teams to fight any strict regulations. Consequently, progress on getting this pollution problem corrected is extremely difficult.

The problem can be fixed if enough people come back to the Earth in mind, body and spirit. Public pressure will force governments and companies to find safe ways to dispose of and recycle waste. This means that people must re-discover what their ancient ancestors knew, that we are part of the Earth and must live in balance on it and care for it.

The growth of publicly observed Earth rites among the population will help to create Earth awareness  and a grass-roots movement to take action before we ruin the Earth. It will get people interested in doing something helpful which will gain in momentum and influence.

You can be an important part of this new grass-roots movement by sharing this blog/information and with others on your blogs and social media. The more people who become aware and involved, the faster things can be done to help our Earth. 

“May the Earth be with you!

Robin MacCanna,

Sep 6, 2018

For more information on the Earth connectivity, please see my prior blogs and my book, “Celtic Rites”

Robin MacCanna is an Arann Druid, a member of the Ar nDraoicht Fein (ADF), and author of the book “Celtic Rites, -the Magical Path of the Arann Druids”, published July, 2018 by DarkMoon Press. Available at  and 

All Contents © 2018 liveworldpress: All materials contained on this site are protected by United States copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast without the prior written permission of liveworldpress, or in the case of third party materials, the owner of that content. You may not alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other notice from copies of the content

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Robin MacCanna’s Liveworldpress: Why Modern Earth Harvest Rites Are Necessary

Why Modern Earth Harvest Rites Are Necessary.

As we draw closer to the Autumnal Equinox, Sep. 22nd, in the Northern Hemisphere, we are now enjoying all the crops gained from our harvests.

The ancient Celts celebrated their autumn harvest, called Mabon, with feasting, games, thanking the Earth for Her bounty, and by honoring their divinities and ancestors. It was a very significant time for them, because a good harvest ensured that they would have enough food to make it through the coming winter.

Today, things are quite different.  We no longer celebrate the significance of a good harvest.  We don’t honor Mother Earth for the life sustaining crops which She provides us. We get our produce from the grocery stores and markets. During Northern winters, crops are transported in to us from South America and Mexico or are grown in massive greenhouses. We no longer feel the connection to the Earth as our ancient ancestors did. Consequently, we no longer thank or even believe in divinities, and our ancient ancestors mean little to us.  Outside of work and school, we spend our time being preoccupied with sports, computerized games, social media and television. We live in the artificial world that has been created by our scientific and technological advancements, a world which is self-destructive.

However, there are those among us who still love nature and the Earth. They know the importance of caring for and honoring our Earth. They know that they have inherited the DNA of their ancestors and are connected to them in very special ways. Many of these people are a part of the Celtic Revival which began back in the 1970’s. Some are now modern Druids.  Celebrating the Harvest and Sun Festivals throughout the year is the way we honor the Earth Mother, our Divinities and our ancestors. We know the importance of living in balance on the Earth, and we know the consequences of what will happen when we upset the balance on Earth.

The more people who to get free of the artificial Matrix, and go back to connecting with the Earth and Nature, the sooner things will change for the better. Yes, Modern Earth Harvest Rites ARE necessary. They will be a start in getting back to what our ancient ancestors did, living in balance and honoring the Earth.

For more information on Earth rites, see my book, “Celtic Rites, – the Magical Path of the Arann Druids.”

Robin MacCanna,  Druid Fallon

Sep 5, 2018

Robin MacCanna is an Arann Druid, a member of the Ar nDraoicht Fein (ADF), and author of the book “Celtic Rites, -the Magical Path of the Arann Druids”, published July, 2018 by DarkMoon Press. Available at  and 

All Contents © 2018 liveworldpress: All materials contained on this site are protected by United States copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast without the prior written permission of liveworldpress, or in the case of third party materials, the owner of that content. You may not alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other notice from copies of the content

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Liveworldpress: In Nature, We are Not Naked -and Not Afraid, by Robin MacCanna

In Nature, We are Not Naked  – and Not Afraid

You may have viewed the popular series, Naked and Afraid, on the Discovery Chanel. It is a survival /reality show in which a man and a woman have to survive naked,  with only two survival items, for 21 days in a wilderness environment. The locations are usually uninhabited, tropical areas in Central America, swamps in Louisiana, or plains in Africa. They must be able find food, and water, be able to make shelter and start, and deal with dangerous animals, snakes and alligators in order to survive. They experience the difficulties of hot temperatures during the day and cold temperatures at night, constant swarms of biting insects, and torrential rains.

They often go hungry for a number of days,  getting only a few hundred calories a day to eat. The environment is usually too wet to start a fire, or it will usually go out due to constant rain. They use up most of their energy on getting food, fire and shelter, and usually become exhausted within a few days.

Besides this being a physical challenge, it is also a mental challenge. The couple often get on each other’s nerves, or one tries to dominate the other which leads to conflicts. They are then tired, hungry, irritated, and totally miserable. In order to overcome this, they must be mentally strong and work together. Most couples usually do complete the 21 days, if they are able to obtain at least some food and water over that period.

This challenge is reveals how vulnerable mankind has become once they are placed in tough environmental conditions and must find ways to survive. Even the contestants that were experience hunters or wilderness experts had difficulties.  Most people have become so used to living with all our conveniences and would be hard pressed should our environment change abruptly.

We’d have a much better chance of surviving if we learned more about nature and how to live off the land. Do you know how to filter water using gravel, sand and charcoal, start a fire by making a bow drill or make a fish trap? Are you connected to the elements and able to understand the signs in nature? Our ancient ancestors knew these things and survived for thousand of years without all our modern conveniences. They were not naked  – and not afraid.

It is time for us to get back to nature and connect with our Earth, instead of separating ourselves from it. The knowledge for surviving in the future lies in our past. Many people are now discovering this and turning their attention to what the ancients knew and learning from them.

Robin MacCanna ,

August 30, 2018

Robin MacCanna will begin discussing the critical need for everyone to join in healing our Earth Mother.  Please be sure to follow his  future blogs for important information. 

Robin MacCanna is an Arann Druid, a member of the Ar nDraoicht Fein (ADF), and author of the book “Celtic Rites, -the Magical Path of the Arann Druids”, published July, 2018 by DarkMoon Press. Available at  and 

All Contents © 2018 liveworldpress: All materials contained on this site are protected by United States copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast without the prior written permission of liveworldpress, or in the case of third party materials, the owner of that content. You may not alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other notice from copies of the content

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